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About Us

Our Vision

The Downtown San Diego community in fellowship with one another, each contributing their unique talents, so that all are benefitting, particularly the most vulnerable.

Our Mission

Manifesting the love and abundance of God in Downtown San Diego.


We connect the community, in fellowship, for the ongoing social and spiritual renewal of the Downtown San Diego. We contribute to solving society’s problems by catalyzing all stakeholders to contribute their unique gifts and talents, loving and serving each other, so that God’s abundance can flourish.

With guidance and support of scripture, the Holy Spirit, and prayer we do this through:


between churches, ministries, businesses, civic leaders, agencies, and all members of the community concerned for the welfare of the community.


bringing to bear the collective voice of our members and partners to correct injustices where they exist.

& Resources

meaningful, long-lasting relationships across community groups with spiritual well-being as the priority. Deploying resources for the most efficient and meaningful impact through our ministry network and community partnerships.


training, educating, resourcing, and encouraging our members and volunteers in ministry and service.

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