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Manifesting the love and abundance of God in Downtown San Diego.
We envision the Downtown San Diego community in fellowship with one another, each contributing their unique talents, so that all are benefitting, particularly the most vulnerable.


Join Us!

February Monthly Meeting

First Presbyterian Church | 320 Date Street


Helping People Out of Poverty

Downtown Fellowship is invested in Circles San Diego which helps people overcome poverty. An important component is building a network of people and resources who can help. BizStarts and UPBI (Urban Poverty Business Initiative) are two such organizations that are part of our network. 


Introducing Guest Speakers...

Patrick Snyder, President of Bizstart








BizStarts developed the first seamless, region-wide approach to assisting entrepreneurs in southeastern Wisconsin back in 2008. Now, 10 years later we have supported over 1,000 entrepreneurs and continue to have positive impact in stimulating healthy, vibrant economic development. We do 1:1 coaching, personalized mentoring and meaningful connections to resources. 


Dr. Alex DeNoble
SDSU Buisness Professor Emeritus & UPBI Partner














UPBI Partner- Lavin Entrepreneurship Center

For thirty years, San Diego State University and its Lavin Entrepreneurship Center have offered extensive entrepreneurship programming, including a two-year undergraduate program that encourages interdisciplinary collaboration to build the next generation of SDSU entrepreneurs; the VentureStart Competition, the Start-UP Fund, a LeanModel Competition, the Women in Entrepreneurship Lecture Series, the Entrepreneur Society, the California Entrepreneurship Educators Conference, Entrepreneur Day, and entrepreneurial internships. The program has received numerous national awards. They partnered with the Center for Leadership and Entrepreneurial Studies, a San Diego non-profit, to join the UPBI in 2021 and launched their Entrepreneurship and Adversity Program in September 2021.


Thursday | February 13, 2025 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM​

Join Us at 11:30 AM for food and fellowship.

(park and enter on 3rd Avenue;

parking validation provided with license plate #)



Online meeting via Zoom
Meeting ID: 825 7867 9592

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